Monday, September 29, 2008

What is a living organism?

I personally believe that there is no certain rule about life that we can say is true. We can only say that we understand most of the life we know of share certain characteristics. I remember from 2 years ago, there are 7 characteristics shared by living things. 1. Living organisms are made up of cells or are single celled. 2. Living organisms maintain a state of internal balance, homeostasis. 3. Living organisms reproduce and multiply. 4. Living organisms inherit traits form parents. 5.Living organisms need a source of energy 6. Living organisms respond to stimuli and adapt to the environment. Non -living organisms share the same traits of not having these things. Of course there id debate to wither all living organisms must include ALL of these traits. I personally disagree to this because there are always abnormalities and not everything is 100 percent. A example that i have came across while looking for proof that Alf should win was the virus. Its a great example of a organism that has be categorized into dead, because it doesn't follow one rule of having one or more cells. Yet it fulfills all of the other characteristics. I don't thing humans are worthy of ruling out the laws of life and making a statement that all living organisms must include blablabla, but a idea of what life is like that allows us to differentiate things that are non-living and living with few exceptions due to abnormality, such as viruses.