Monday, November 10, 2008

Energy bar

The prototype of the playa's bar came up with results far greater than we expected. Almost everything we thought up of worked. It tasted good, it looked decent ( although there is room for improvement) and in the end it held together. At first we thought our idea of using honey and baking it would make the bar hold together seemed to be a failure, but after we put it in the refrigerator, it held together. There wasn't anything bad that happened that went against our expectations. The only problem is that if the bar was to be left a room temperature for a while, would the bar start breaking apart again? We don't know the answer to this problem but the 2 ways I have thought to solve this problem was, one, to use the wrapper to hold it together, and two, bake it for a longer period of time since when we ate it, only half of the bar seemed to have a crunchy texture. I think things will be fine if we measure the correct amount of each ingerdient and bake it for a long enough period of time. I think our group worked really well, there isnt really much to say about how we worked. We all pitched in to make the bar, there was no argument and we got the job done in a short period of time.

Monday, September 29, 2008

What is a living organism?

I personally believe that there is no certain rule about life that we can say is true. We can only say that we understand most of the life we know of share certain characteristics. I remember from 2 years ago, there are 7 characteristics shared by living things. 1. Living organisms are made up of cells or are single celled. 2. Living organisms maintain a state of internal balance, homeostasis. 3. Living organisms reproduce and multiply. 4. Living organisms inherit traits form parents. 5.Living organisms need a source of energy 6. Living organisms respond to stimuli and adapt to the environment. Non -living organisms share the same traits of not having these things. Of course there id debate to wither all living organisms must include ALL of these traits. I personally disagree to this because there are always abnormalities and not everything is 100 percent. A example that i have came across while looking for proof that Alf should win was the virus. Its a great example of a organism that has be categorized into dead, because it doesn't follow one rule of having one or more cells. Yet it fulfills all of the other characteristics. I don't thing humans are worthy of ruling out the laws of life and making a statement that all living organisms must include blablabla, but a idea of what life is like that allows us to differentiate things that are non-living and living with few exceptions due to abnormality, such as viruses.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Well in the past month or so, i have felt a great amount of amusement, because i loved to watch others struggle and argue over their topics and projects while me and David sun had to watch a movie. I felt happy because at first i thought my topic would be easy.......simply report about a movie. After my emotions changed drastically when it came to the actual doing of the was nowhere like what i imagined it would be. ...... i became angry when there was so much i realized i didn't understand. Then I was relived again when I realized that i could kind of make it through and that David understood everything. Throughout the presentation all i felt was anxiousnesses cause all that was running in my head was....i cant do it like them

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Response on the conclusion of The Giver
In language art we have read and analyzed a book called, The Giver, by Lois Lowry. A brief summary of the book through my perception is that this there is a boy call Jonas that lives in a supposedly utopian society ran by the government. No-one has memories of the past, no real emotions and has his or her own perfect job or if not, would be or had been killed or in the story, released. Jona's job was a receiver or memory, which meant he had to keep and use all the memories from the people so the people don't go back to living in the past. Through learning and looking at these memories and learning, he realizes the the importance of memories and how the supposedly perfect society he was used to wasn't so perfect. Realizing this he sets out to change society and find this "elsewhere" that was suppose to be somewhere outside the community. Now, the ending is undetermined and not unresolved because the author left out a space for the reader to determine the fate of the character within boundaries. At the very end of the book it says that jona's was on top of a hill with a sled and below he could hear music. It was Christmas and there was a family waiting at the bottom of the hill. The 2 most widely accepted explanations for this conclusion was that one, he died, or 2 he found elsewhere. I personally don't agree with neither of them therefore I created my own conclusion. My interpretation of ending is that, yes he has died and yes he has found elsewhere. But I do not believed he has just died and left, I believe is elsewhere is within his death, but he has not just left, elsewhere is that new form of life he and Gabriel have taken what happens there is a question. Whenever they mention elsewhere in the book they mean that they have been killed. But They also mention that memories never leave. I believe that this is related to the thinking that there is a sort of life after death. That in death you enter a new realm of life, where you experience the memories and emotions that have always been there, but the they have never been conscious of it. In the story the first and best memory the Giver gave him were ones that you cant forget. Memories never leave. I perceive this also to the metaphor on how the better memories can cancel out all the hate and war he has experienced. I also relate this to love, a topic brought up multiple times in the story. I think he has found love, through memories, love never just goes away even if he is die, love is still there and was always there through the centuries that the people have lived without it in the community, it was still there and memory. So elsewhere might have not been just a place, but a accomplishment that he sees and experiences at death. The last sentence was that behind hin, he thought he heard the people singing too. I think this means he has helped the people in the community to accomplish this too to find love. the end

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I had demonstrated that I was an effective communicator because I had effectively communicated my thoughts in all our projects without confusion, and they were not stupid ideas but actually helped in our group projects so far in the class. I have never been in a argument with any of my partners because we always talk things through calmly and am very efficient with how i communicate. I was a Critical thinker and i displayed this because i was a effective communicator and when i wa stuck on a problem i would always think things through before i ask a teacher. Before all the projects and when i was stuck i would always plan and map out all my ideas and knowledge to solve the problem so i would not get into a mess and always knew what i needed to find or complete. This proved i was a critical thinker knowing how to think and organize. I was an active learner because i have asked questions to Mr. Loken to understand and i also helped others when they ask me, like when jen-ai asked me questions on the sheet. I was a person of high character because i didn't talk in class and Mr. loken has never told me to stay focused and i have only not finished my homework once because i didnt understand 1 question. Again i was a community contributor because i helped jenai and anyone that asks me or if i see them struggling.
So in the end I give myself a 2 for effective communicator, a 1.7 for a person of high character, a 1.7 for a community contributor , a 2 for critical thinker, and lastly a 1.8 for active learner

Wednesday, March 12, 2008 physics class Mr. Loken told me to write my first yeah...heres my first blogg...In physics class we are learning about Kinetics and Motion in 2 dimensions.
the main problem I am having is that the variables are confusing and breaking apart the questions and making sure that every step is written down so i dont leave anything out and i need to figure out what the question asking. Yay im dun my first bloggg.....