Monday, November 10, 2008

Energy bar

The prototype of the playa's bar came up with results far greater than we expected. Almost everything we thought up of worked. It tasted good, it looked decent ( although there is room for improvement) and in the end it held together. At first we thought our idea of using honey and baking it would make the bar hold together seemed to be a failure, but after we put it in the refrigerator, it held together. There wasn't anything bad that happened that went against our expectations. The only problem is that if the bar was to be left a room temperature for a while, would the bar start breaking apart again? We don't know the answer to this problem but the 2 ways I have thought to solve this problem was, one, to use the wrapper to hold it together, and two, bake it for a longer period of time since when we ate it, only half of the bar seemed to have a crunchy texture. I think things will be fine if we measure the correct amount of each ingerdient and bake it for a long enough period of time. I think our group worked really well, there isnt really much to say about how we worked. We all pitched in to make the bar, there was no argument and we got the job done in a short period of time.