Friday, May 9, 2008

Well in the past month or so, i have felt a great amount of amusement, because i loved to watch others struggle and argue over their topics and projects while me and David sun had to watch a movie. I felt happy because at first i thought my topic would be easy.......simply report about a movie. After my emotions changed drastically when it came to the actual doing of the was nowhere like what i imagined it would be. ...... i became angry when there was so much i realized i didn't understand. Then I was relived again when I realized that i could kind of make it through and that David understood everything. Throughout the presentation all i felt was anxiousnesses cause all that was running in my head was....i cant do it like them

1 comment:

Mr. Loken said...

However, you did do a very good job with a very difficult topic. Ask for help next time before you get frustrated.